December 2018 - Volume 20
What can we say but THANK YOU!
I sometimes feel that every month when I sit down to write an opening article for the newsletter it is just a repeat of us saying how grateful we are to our members, of how much the community means to us, of how important everyone is in our lives! I assure you that each time it is truly heartfelt.
The 12 Days of Christmas WOD and the Dirty Santa gift exchange was just the most recent opportunity for us to say thank you! We had a couple of brand new athletes and everyone made them feel like family. The gift exchange was a blast, poor Jeff never got a chance to relax!
The generosity of our members is truly astonishing. The gift you gave us is priceless and the memories that will be made will be cherished forever. When we began this crazy adventure over two years ago, we knew it would be difficult but we also knew that we had absolutely the best group of people there to help us open the doors and welcome new members as we grew. As the old year winds down and the new year looms large, we want to say thank you to our members, old and new, for creating the best gym ever! We hope everyone is as excited for 2019 as we are!
Here’s to another great year! Jeff, Chandra, Steve, and Dell
- Jan 5th – Adventure Race Clinic in Kentucky! This is a great opportunity for anyone hoping to do an adventure race in the coming season! Look for the event post on our Facebook group so we can coordinate who’s going. Follow this link for more info and to sign up: http://361adventures.com/clinic The deadline is Jan 1st! If you want to read more about Adventure Racing, here is the link to the article from March: https://www.crossfitripcord.com/prescribed-volume-14/
- April 27th – Festivus 2 Person Mixed Pairs Comp – For the first time ever, Festivus games is mixing it up with a male/female team comp! More info and sign up info here: Festivus Games
Member Highlight
Glen Wilson
- How long have you done CrossFit?
Its been about 5 weeks doing CrossFit.
- What is your favorite CrossFit movement/WOD/lift?
If I had to choose one it’s when I realized that I can do it and it’s not going to kill me.
- What is something that most people at the gym wouldn’t know about you
Maybe its how I lost my leg. I lost it in a motorcycle accident. My wife and I were on a ride with some friends one of them fell behind. We stopped and waited for them and he came up to fast and hit us.
- What is a fitness goal you have for the upcoming year?
My goal is to lose some weight and regain my strength. I got really weak over the last year.
- What is a hobby you have that is NOT CrossFit related?
I have a few hobbies the one big one is that I still ride my Harley. I love it. It was the first thing I wanted to do when I got back on my feet so to speak.
- What advice would you give someone who is afraid to try CrossFit?
Just try it . Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone.
- Tacos or Pancakes?
Tacos for sure.
BE Fit Meals
This months recipe is not an actual recipe for food, but more of a recipe for success! BE Fit Meals opened recently and it is the meal prep service you’ve been waiting for! I’ve tried several mail order meals and while the food was ok, the shipping was crazy and the prices were high. BE Fit Meals is conveniently located about a half a mile from CrossFit Ripcord so local pick up is easy and their prices are very reasonable. You can read more about the owners and view the menu here: 812befitmeals info
So, how is this a recipe for success? If you are like me and deep in the midst of Holiday Snackland, now is the time to start coming up with a plan for changes you’d like to make! Using a meal prep service is not “failing to adult”, it is a valuable time saving and nutrition saving service! My usual order is for enough meals to get through lunches and then I can prep my own dinners. Having ready to go (and delicious) meals means I’m less likely to make poor nutrition choices, like going out for fast food. As the new year approaches and the snack train rolls to a halt, consider outsourcing some of your meals if it helps to keep you on track!
New Swag Items!
We are excited to offer a couple of new items in our swag line! We have:
- Fleece Lined Beanies – ideal for keeping your head warm during warm ups or runs outside.
- Hellbender Bands – These are custom designed and hand sewn wrist sweat bands that will help keep your hands dry during the sweatiest of wods!
- Sweat Towels – handy small towels for those wods that leave you glistening.
See the front desk for all of these plus the original Headbands and T-shirts.